NUBIKK, een vooruitstrevend Nederlands schoenenmerk voor dames en heren, erkent dat stijl een persoonlijke uitdrukking is. Wij zijn toegewijd aan het creëren van lichtgewicht, comfortabele en stijlvolle designs die we wereldwijd aanbieden.

Onze schoenen worden verkocht in exclusieve boetieks, warenhuizen en via onze online winkel Ons inspirerende hoofdkantoor bevindt zich in het dynamische Waalwijk, waar creativiteit en nieuwe ideeën gevierd worden.

Bekijk onze openstaande vacatures hieronder.

Privacy & Cookie policy

NUBIKK values your privacy greatly. Therefore, we handle your personal data with care. For more information about your privacy or cookie handling. You can read the articles below.

Personal Data Processed

Nubikk Retail B.V. (hereafter Nubikk) may process personal data about you because you use Nubikk’s services and/or because you provide this data yourself when placing an order on the website. Nubikk may process the following personal data:

- Your first and last name

- Your address details

- Your phone number

- Your email address

- Your date of birth

- Your IP address

Why Nubikk Needs Data

Nubikk processes your personal data to be able to contact you by phone if requested, and/or to contact you in writing (by email and/or mail) if you cannot be reached by phone. Additionally, Nubikk may use your personal data to execute an agreement made with you, typically involving remote purchases.

How Long Nubikk Retains Data

Nubikk does not retain your personal data longer than necessary to achieve the purposes for which your data is collected. If no agreement is made with you, your data will not be kept longer than two years.

 Sharing with Others

Nubikk only provides your personal data to third parties if necessary for the performance of an agreement with you or to comply with a legal obligation. 

Website Visit Analysis

General visit data is tracked on Nubikk’s website, including the IP address of your device and the time of retrieval and data sent by your browser. This data is used for analysis of visit and click behavior on the website. Nubikk uses this information to improve the website's functionality. This data is anonymized as much as possible and is not provided to third parties.

Google Analytics

Nubikk uses Google Analytics to track how users use the website and how effective Nubikk’s Adwords advertisements are on Google search result pages. The obtained information, including the address of your device (IP address), is transmitted to and stored by Google on servers in the United States. Read Google’s privacy policy for more information. You can find Google Analytics' privacy policy here.

Google uses this information to track how our website is used, to provide reports on the Website to Nubikk, and to offer its advertisers information about the effectiveness of their campaigns.

Google may provide this information to third parties if legally required to do so, or if these third parties process the information on behalf of Google. Nubikk has no influence on this. Nubikk has not given Google permission to use the obtained Analytics information for other Google services.

Viewing, Modifying, or Deleting Data

You have the right to view, correct, or delete your personal data. You can send a request for access, correction, or deletion to Nubikk will respond to your request as quickly as possible, but within four weeks.


Nubikk takes the protection of your data seriously and takes appropriate measures to prevent misuse, loss, unauthorized access, unwanted disclosure, and unauthorized modification. Nubikk’s website uses a reliable SSL Certificate to ensure that your personal data does not fall into the wrong hands. If you believe that your data is not properly secured or there are indications of misuse, or if you would like more information about the security of personal data collected by Nubikk, please contact Nubikk at is a website of Nubikk Retail B.V. Nubikk can be reached as follows:

Postal address: Raadhuisplein 2A, 5141KG Waalwijk 

Visiting address: Raadhuisplein 2A, 5141KG Waalwijk

Registration number Chamber of Commerce: 67199097 Phone: +31 (0)85 48 74 600


Nubikk uses cookies

We ask for your consent to use cookies on our website. Some cookies are always placed to ensure the website works properly, such as keeping you logged in. We also always place a cookie to analyze the use of our website completely anonymously. Our website uses more cookies that are not necessary, but useful. For example, to provide feedback or share messages on social media. Or to show more relevant advertisements on third-party websites. These cookies may collect data outside our website. By clicking 'Agree' you consent to the placement of these cookies.

Cookie Policy
The website uses different types of cookies. Nubikk believes it is important that you have control over your online privacy. Therefore, Nubikk wants to inform you as fully as possible about which cookies are used and for what purposes.

What are cookies?
Cookies are small text files that a website places on your computer, tablet, or mobile phone when you visit the website. These cookies store information about your website visit. By placing cookies, personal data is processed. The use of cookies allows a website to recognize you on a subsequent visit. This can be handy if you do not want to log in again each time you visit the website.

Different types of cookies
Nubikk distinguishes between functional and non-functional cookies. Functional cookies are always placed. These are necessary for the website to function properly. For example, they ensure that you can stay logged in on the website if you wish. In addition to functional cookies, standard analytical cookies are also placed. This is an example of a non-functional cookie and is not necessary for the website to function properly. This allows Nubikk to see which parts of the website are popular and where the website can be improved. Only when you agree to the placement of cookies, will additional non-functional cookies be placed. These have different purposes, but all enable Nubikk to improve the service. For example, cookies are used to show online surveys on the website, test improvements on the website, display social media buttons, or show relevant advertisements for products on other websites.

Functional cookies
Functional cookies are necessary for the website to function properly. These cookies are therefore always placed and are not removed if you do not accept cookies. Functional cookies ensure that you can stay logged in during your visit to the website. They also ensure that products remain in your shopping cart if you want to buy something in our webshop.

Cookies for measuring visits
Analytical cookies enable Nubikk to measure website visits. These statistics provide insight into how often the website is used, what information visitors are looking for, and which pages are most visited. This provides insight into which parts are popular and where the website can be improved. The website is continuously analyzed and improved to make the visitor experience as pleasant as possible. The statistics collected are anonymous and do not trace back to individuals. Nubikk uses Google Analytics to gain insights from the data. Analytical cookies are always placed when visiting our website. Analytical cookies collect, among other things, the following data:

  • Tracking the number of visitors to our web pages.
  • Tracking the duration of the visit.
  • The search queries performed on the website.
  • Data about your browser and device with which you visit our website, such as operating system and screen size.
  • The way you arrived at our website, for example, if you clicked on one of our ads or on a link in an email.
  • Some anonymous data filled in a form, such as the type of car or which type of coverage is most chosen.
  • Items you have purchased or added to the shopping cart on the website.

For more information about what Google does with the collected data, see the privacy statements of Google. These statements may change regularly. We never provide Google with the personal data you have entered (such as name, address, phone number). Read more about how personal data is handled in the privacy statement.

Cookies for social media integration
On the website, videos and other content can be shown that you can promote and share via a button on social networks. For these buttons to function, social media companies like Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, and Google place cookies to recognize you when you are logged in to that social network. They also collect data about the page you share. For more information about the data collected by social media companies, we refer you to the privacy statements of these companies. These may change regularly.
Cookies to test improvements
Nubikk continually tests the website to provide you with the best user experience. It is important to know if changes made to the website are improvements. Therefore, Nubikk often conducts improvements in an A/B test. For this, we use Visual Website Optimizer. Visitors may see an altered version of the website simultaneously. This way, we continuously optimize the website. Cookies are used to ensure you see the correct version of a page and to measure results.

Cookies for research
We use Hotjar as a tool for research on the website. You can always leave feedback on the website. On certain pages, we also ask if the article helped you. Additionally, we use an online survey to ask for your opinion about our website. This information is used to continuously improve our website. The cookie ensures that you do not see the survey unnecessarily often. The cookie also provides information about your operating system and the browser you use to visit the website. To see how visitors use our website, we also use Hotjar. This tool records mouse clicks, mouse movements, and scroll behavior of visitors on our website. Hotjar collects information about visited pages, the browser you use, the type of device, and operating system. This data is used to improve the website. On certain pages, you can use a chat function to ask questions to Nubikk's customer service. For this, Intercom is used, placing a cookie to know how long you have been on a page and might need help.

Cookies to show Nubikk advertisements on other websites Nubikk uses online advertisements to promote products. This is done as targeted as possible to keep costs low and to not show unnecessary advertisements. Google Adwords, Google Dynamic Remarketing, Facebook Custom Audiences (the customer database is not shared with Facebook), Microsoft Bing Ads, and DoubleClick (from Google) are used for this purpose. This way, advertisements can be targeted, and costs are kept low. These cookies allow us to: 
  • Track which advertisements you have already seen. This prevents you from seeing the same advertisements too often.
  • Track how many visitors click on our advertisements.
  • Track how many visitors purchase a service from us after clicking on an advertisement. This is necessary to analyze the effectiveness of advertisements.
  • Track if you have already taken certain services from us. This prevents you from seeing unnecessary advertisements.

Even if you do not accept cookies, you may still see our advertisements online. Not all our advertisements use cookies. However, cookies allow us to show you more relevant advertisements and avoid unnecessary ones.

For more information about what Google does with stored data, refer to the privacy statement of Google. This may change regularly. We have not given Google permission to use the obtained information for other Google services. For more information about what Microsoft does with stored data, refer to the privacy statement of Microsoft. This may change regularly. We have not given Microsoft permission to use the obtained information for other Microsoft services. For more information about what Facebook does with stored data, refer to the privacy statement of Facebook. This may change regularly. We have not given Facebook permission to use the obtained information for other Facebook services.

Blocking and deleting cookies
If you do not want cookies from the website to be placed, you can choose this in the cookie notification that you see on the first visit to the website. If you have previously accepted the cookies, you will no longer see this notification, and you must first delete the cookies.

You can choose to block the placement of cookies via your browser. If you block all cookies, websites may not function as well. It is better to selectively disable unwanted cookies. You can do this in your browser settings. This also immediately blocks the cookies of other websites you visit.

Bij NUBIKK is elke dag anders, en dat is precies waar we van houden. Social media verandert continu, en wij veranderen graag mee. Wat gisteren hot was, kan vandaag alweer passé zijn. De wereld van social media draait 24/7 en we nodigen je uit om hierin mee te gaan. We zijn op zoek naar een Video Editor Stagiair(e) die verschillende editprogramma’s beheerst en een passie heeft voor het maken van social media (video's).

Wat ga je doen?

Wij zijn constant bezig met het creëren van videocontent: toffe reels en opvallende/grappige TikToks die allemaal geëdit moeten worden. Samen met je stagebegeleider ben jij verantwoordelijk voor het editen van deze social video’s. Kan jij met een paar klikken een video maken die inspireert of een lach op ieders gezicht tovert? Dan zijn wij op zoek naar jou!

Hoe ziet een stageweek bij NUBIKK eruit?

Meedenken in concepten Social video’s editen Meegaan op shootdagen op locatie Werken op verschillende plekken, afhankelijk van waar het team zich bevindt
  • Meedenken in concepten
  • Social video’s editen
  • Meegaan op shootdagen op locatie
  • Werken op verschillende plekken, afhankelijk van waar het team zich bevindt

Wat breng je mee en wat bieden wij jou?

Deze stage is voor 40 uur per week. Wij zoeken iemand die:
  • Echt van social media houdt;;
  • Handig is met Premiere Pro en Photoshop (en extra kennis van andere Adobe-programma’s is mooi meegenomen!);
  • Altijd op de hoogte is van de laatste TikTok & Reels trends;
  • Proactief is en niet bang is om de handen uit de mouwen te steken;
  • Creatief is en nieuwe ideeën heeft (daar worden we blij van!);
  • Goed is in Nederlands en Engels;
  • Een verhaal kan vertellen met zijn/haar edits;

Wat bieden wij jou?

Naast een stagevergoeding van € 350,- bieden we je een omgeving waarin je jezelf maximaal kunt ontwikkelen, maar waar ook zeker ruimte is voor Brabantse gezelligheid en plezier.


Herken jij jezelf in dit profiel en heb je zin om ons team te versterken? Stuur dan je CV en motivatiebrief naar We kijken ernaar uit om je te ontmoeten.

Nederlands schoenenmerk NUBIKK is op zoek naar een creatieve e-commerce stagiair(e). Ben jij verslaafd aan schoenen, e-commerce addict en heb jij marketing skills? Dan is deze stage wellicht iets voor jou.


Als e-commerce stagiair(e) draai je volledig mee met het e-commerce team, en bied je ondersteuning in onderstaande taken:

  • Ondersteunen en aanbevelingen doen in SEO content optimalisatie op het gebied van klantdata
  • Helpen met het beantwoorden van webshop klantvragen via chat, telefoon en e-mail
  • Het optimaliseren van de customer journey op service gebied
  • Creatief meedenken bij het maken van online marketing plannen
  • Coördineren van productfotografie


  • HBO studie, richting Marketing/Communicatie
  • Affiniteit met fashion e-commerce
  • Gemotiveerd en niet bang om initiatief te nemen
  • Goede communicatieve- en sociale vaardigheden, je beheerst de Nederlandse en Engelse taal goed
  • Je bent leergierig, georganiseerd en werkt goed zelfstandig
  • Je bent minimaal 4 dagen per week beschikbaar om actief mee te kunnen werken in het team (1 dag school)


  • Een marktconforme stagevergoeding
  • Een leerzame stage in een dynamische, jonge en informele werksfeer
  • Een kijkje in de retail – en schoenenindustrie
  • Het NUBIKK hoofdkantoor bevindt zich in het centrum van Waalwijk, dichtbij het busstation


Vanaf augustus/september 2024 voor een periode van 6 maanden.


Stuur je CV en motivatiebrief naar